
You are on the old part of, which I am no longer maintaining. Newer versions of some of this content can be found on the active part of my site, which you can reach from my homepage.


From the Analects

The Master said: “Do not worry if you are without a position; worry lest you do not deserve a position. Do not worry if you are not famous; worry lest you do not deserve to be famous.”

Free Ideas

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If you are a developer and want some ideas, check out my Wishlist. Unfortunately, these ideas won’t really make you any money, and most of them will not bring great fame. But they are things I probably won’t have time to do, so maybe someone will make my day and do them for me.


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On my phone (using my notes sharing setup), I have a file called TrajectoryOfLife. It’s on my phone because I have that with me almost everywhere I go. In this file, I list my ideas. As soon as I get a new idea for something, I write it there. Basically anything I have thought to … Continued

Really Quick File Sharing Server

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I already wrote my guide to making a DAViCal Calendar Server to synchronize calendars across multiple devices. One of my goals was to gradually offload the important files on my phone to backups in other places. Aside from my calendars and todo lists, the only other important files on my phone were a bunch of … Continued

You Can Solve Your Own Problems

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I recently had my first experience in filing issues with an open source project. In the process of making, I was having difficulty getting everything to work. I could access most of the web interface, but couldn’t get some resources to load properly. Once I got the web interface to work, I couldn’t get … Continued

Managing Open Source Projects

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Notes on the AidanMontareDotNet Project Management System This page covers my experiences managing open source projects using my own GitLab system (located at I have named my approach the AidanMontareDotNet Project Management System (AMDNPMS) because, well, it sounds cool. For my notes on creating the AMDNPMS, see Custom GitLab Omnibus Installation With Apache. Software … Continued is live!

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As of a few minutes ago, is now live! is a code hosting repository based on GitLab, an open source web application. You can now browse my projects (more will be uploaded in the coming days) and view their code history. In a week or so I plan on allowing signups for limited … Continued

Following Your Own Advice

If only I had followed my own advice when constructing my homepage, which until today read: Welcome to the website of Aidan Montare. Its a work in progress for now, but more cool stuff will come! Can you spot the error? I wrote the text for my homepage several weeks before I decided to force … Continued


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I am disappointed that I am so behind on this, but I finally addressed the POODLE SSL vulnerability on my server today. While I check my server daily for updated software and issues, it was only when I read this Linode blog post that I realized the POODLE threat was something I needed to address … Continued

Maintenance Routine

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Running a web server is a big responsibility, and while this site has just my personal stuff, I take its care very seriously. I do a quick health check of my server every day, much like others check their email each morning. For those who are interested, here are the things I do each day … Continued