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Einstein Quote

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. – Albert Einstein

TWIA 2014-11-09

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This week, I finally moved my website’s development to Git. Now I can manage my own changes to themes and plugins without having to worry about losing changes. Additionally, I was able to set up a development site on my local computer for testing changes before making them live. The procedure I used is documented … Continued


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Secure Web Browsing with VirtualBox 1. Don’t use Internet Explorer! So starts most advice on secure web browsing. But since I tend to do a lot of browsing all over the internet, I wanted to be extra careful. So using VirtualBox, I created a Ubuntu VM specifically for general web browsing. After I configured the … Continued

WordPress and Git

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My server does not have any FTP services, since I don’t think they are necessary (I use SSH for administration). However, this also means WordPress cannot update itself. Managing WordPress updates is easy enough that I don’t mind doing them on my own. However, managing updates can soon become annoying once you start to have … Continued

The Long, Hard, Stupid Way

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A nice talk by Frank Chimero that makes me feel a little better about taking a long time to finish projects.

Faith in Eventually

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A nice little quote that gave me some hope as a continue to work on my new website: During the development of most any product, there are always times when things aren’t quite right. Times when you feel like you may be going backwards a bit. Times where it’s almost there, but you can’t yet … Continued

The Problems With Making WordPress Auto-Update

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There has been talk among the WordPress development community about making WordPress auto-update seamlessly, perhaps even doing away with the traditional development cycle of bug releases and feature releases. Matt has even said “Our vision is that we’re like Chrome,” proposing that WordPress auto-update as seamlessly as Google’s browser. Proponents of the idea suggest that … Continued

Building an Audience The Right Way

Working on a blog is hard work with little immediate payback, at least in the beginning. I sometimes find myself looking for something quantitative to show me that somebody out there is reading this. That’s why my site has that little statistics widget at the bottom, more for me than for any of you. But … Continued

TWIA 2014-10-19

This Week In Aidan: Preparing to move my site’s development over to Git, rather than manually copying files. It gets annoying to manually track my custom changes to WordPress and my plugins, so I will be setting up a Git system where I can work on developing with a local copy, and then push the … Continued

Naming Git

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Torvalds has quipped about the name git, which is British English slang roughly equivalent to “unpleasant person”. Torvalds said: “I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First ‘Linux’, now ‘git’.”

Wikipedia: Git