On my phone (using my notes sharing setup), I have a file called TrajectoryOfLife. It’s on my phone because I have that with me almost everywhere I go. In this file, I list my ideas. As soon as I get a new idea for something, I write it there. Basically anything I have thought to do, make, or build that stands up to more than five seconds of self-assessment goes in that file.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long before this list of ideas became more than I could ever do in my lifetime.
This page is a collection of some ideas from that list. Some of them I don’t want people to steal, and some I really want to do myself. But there are lot of things I would like to see done. Maybe by putting them here someone else will be inspired and decide to do them for me (and the rest of the world).
And if not, this at least will give the curious an idea of the things I would like do to in the future (though some of the best ideas aren’t leaving that text file until I make them).
WordPress link shortener and page archiver
Upon page edit saves, replaces all external links (minus a list of exceptions) with internal links to /link/x that has an archived version of the page at the time it was referenced.
WordPress GPG key server
Use the WordPress database to make it really easy for people to host their GPG keys. Then people would have no excuse not to sign their downloads.
YouTube API app that eliminates videos that have been viewed in the past week
It’s really annoying trying to use YouTube mix and always getting the same things. This app would remove videos that have been seen recently so that you always get a variety.
Web Vim / Emacs implementation framework
WordPress has the TinyMCE editor, but it would be cool if someone build an editor like TinyMCE that supported Vim and Emacs commands, so old-school users and system administrators could edit in the browser more comfortably.
If someone creates this, it would be nice to make it a part of GitLab, so that you could write advanced code using your browser.
Open source educational technology system
Many schools nowadays outsource their gradebooks and websites to some company somewhere. The Open Source community should really fix this by creating a really easy to use drop-in server package that does all of these features and is more extensible and private.
Song of the world
Musical visualization of live human activity, sort of like listen.hatnote.com, but for all of humanities actions
Tonal Energy Android version
Its a really great tuner and pitch reference, but there is no Android version.
MuseScore git
MuseScore files are XML and can be tracked with Git, but it would be nice to have a MuseScore plugin to allow for easier diffs and merging and such.
MuseScore rapid entry system
Plugin mapping keys to different palettes, and showing a popup selector as you go through layers to get to the thing you want
MuseScore note entry helper
When in insert mode:
Display current octave
Show flashing note value that would be entered
Make moving octave up and down easier
MuseScore dynamics apply to new notes
MuseScore dynamic curve editor
MuseScore instrument timbre editor
Not sure what this means, but it would be cool.
MuseScore color by voices
There is color by note names, but there should be color by voices so you can make insane music more readable.
MuseScore infinite voices
MuseScore combine selected parts into one part
by intelligently using voices and multiple pitches
MuseScore sound in three dimensions
Because it would just be really awesome, though until it becomes mainstream it would require a lot of custom hardware.
MuseScore OCR
MuseScore visualization and playback plugin for GitLab
Allow users to view MuseScore files in their browser as they would render in MuseScore, as well as facilitate playback.
admin overview of all posts and spam moderation
GitLab client SSL certificate authentication
Similar to how StartSSL identifies users
GitLab Service to automatically update remote repositories
Input the URL of a remote repository and this service would automatically update that remote with the latest commits through a push (two-way sync could be added later, but isn’t necessary). Specially, GitHub should be supported, but it should be easy to support nearly any git remote.
GitLab push/pull/clone/download/view statistics
Show some basic project stats in GitLab
LibreOffice iOS version
But not like that Android version, you actually need to redesign the interface to make it intuitive (yeah buzz words!) on a really tiny screen.