This Week In Aidan:
- Preparing to move my site’s development over to Git, rather than manually copying files. It gets annoying to manually track my custom changes to WordPress and my plugins, so I will be setting up a Git system where I can work on developing with a local copy, and then push the changes to my server. It seems pretty straightforward, but I am still sorting out a few development details. For those who are interested, I will create a page detailing the process once I am done.
- I am also working on a responsive timeline project. Luckily, there are a few of these out there, so I will put together what I like best from each of the examples I have seen. Details will be shared on this site once it is complete.
- is still in the works, but I have decided that getting my main site to use git is more important at the moment than setting up a public code repository. This is still a goal of mine, but it won’t be done for another week or so.
Over all not much useful for the world yet, but I hope some of these ongoing projects will be useful once I finish them.