Notes on the AidanMontareDotNet Project Management System
This page covers my experiences managing open source projects using my own GitLab system (located at I have named my approach the AidanMontareDotNet Project Management System (AMDNPMS) because, well, it sounds cool.
For my notes on creating the AMDNPMS, see Custom GitLab Omnibus Installation With Apache.
Software for Git
sudo apt-get install git-gui gitk
Gitk provides a nice way to browse a project’s history, which git-gui does the committing stuff. I use Dolphin, the KDE file manager, with a split terminal, so I can easily run screen -d -m "gitk --all" to see the current directory’s project history.
And since you’re on Linux, learn to use git on the command line. For some things being able to visualize your actions is nice, but for most tasks I prefer the speed of doing things on the command line.
For those who use GitHub, the GitHub Windows application is quite nice, though simplistic. It won’t push to other remotes, though.
A more full featured client is SourceTree. Its free for Windows and Mac and does basically everything you could want from a git client. It’s what I use on my Windows computer for development.
If you do decide to use SourceTree, make sure to go to Tools > Options and set your SSH client to OpenSSH. Then click terminal in SourceTree and run ssh-keygen to generate a key that will be compatible with GitLab. (Also note you should open the .pub file in WordPad, or some other text editor that is not NotePad. NotePad seems to mess up with line endings.)
Issues With GitLab
When I discover issues with using GitLab to manage projects, I will list them here.